Thursday, September 15, 2016

Mass Communication

  Before this lecture, I thought that I knew everything there was to know about communication, because I communicate everyday along with everyone else. Let me just say, man was I wrong. After listening to and processing the ideas of mass communication, I was very intrigued by the whole process. The thing I found most fascinating was that in order for something to be mass communication, it has to have the potential to reach everyone. I thought that was the coolest part; if you have the means of getting the message or idea, you're good to go to be a part of mass communication.
  To study for the quiz that would be the next class period, I memorized an acronym which was S.E.T.D.I. These letters stood for the steps of all communication. The 'S' stood for stimulus, which provokes all communication. The 'E' stands for encoding, or putting the message or idea into a form people can understand. The 'T' stands for transmission, and this is where you get the message across to the audience. The 'D' stands for decoding, and is when the audience gets the message. Lastly, the 'I' is for internalization, and this is when the audience retains what was communicated. I'm excited to dive deeper into the world of communication and learn how to apply it to journalism and everyday life.

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